22-24 March 2024

This Spring we for the first time we will be running a 3 day Spring Intensive at the new Systema Academy in the heart of rural Wiltshire. 

There will be the opportunity to stay at the Academy, traditional style on the mat (sleeping bag and mat provided), tented camping or you can try a traditional tarp and hammock or roll mat option. 
If you have a camper van you can also use this. 

This year's theme is Internal Control

In Systema we spend a lot of time searching for the correct feeling in our movement. 

We are looking for calm, relaxed, smooth and natural movements.

Once we can achieve this, (and this is of course a continuum of improvement) the aim is to be able to maintain this in the face of stress, pressure and fear. 

This comes from a deepening skill in our Internal Control.

Internal awareness, of thoughts, sensations and emotions coupled with breath control and tension control facilitate this. 

This enables you to maintain a calm, composed state that is more capable of taking the appropriate action at the appropriate time. 

It also allows you to manage your day to day emotional state. Letting go of heavy emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, self criticism, pride and ego and replacing them with a clearer view of yourself and situations. 

Over the course of the 3 day intensive we will delve explore Internal Control allowing you to make improvements that you will feel and be able to carry into your training and life.  

*Spaces will be limited to 25 people.*

The best way to bring the new season into your life is to spend a night out in it - Ray Mears.

Spring is a time of new life and new beginnings. 

The training area is private, bespoke and surrounded by nature. 

There is an abundance of wildlife: deer, foxes, badgers, muntjac, owls and much more. 

There is ample opportunity to rest, relax and rejuvenate.

This will be the first Spring Seminar in the new location.

There may be a number of reasons for you to come to the seminar:

- To step away from the melee of daily life and escape to the peaceful and tranquil Wiltshire Countryside.

- To deepen your skills in Systema Combat. 

- To explore the vast range of Systema health and wellbeing practices.

- To practice your skills in a variety of circumstances and terrains: Indoors, fields, woods.

- To commune and share the cameraderie of friends, old and new. 
Instructor: Matt Hill 
Is a professional Systema Instructor with over 30 years experience in Martial and Combat Arts. He also holds a 5th Dan in Aikido and is an ex-Parachute Regiment Captain.

Key Training Topics:

- Systema Breathwork including nature breath walks.
- Systema Massage.
- Systema Strength and Conditioning.
- Tension and stress release.
- Smooth, free, effortless movement.
- Exercises to relax, heal & restore the mind, body & spirit.  

- Striking
- Grappling
- Groundwork
- Weapons
- Crowd Work
- Legwork
- All terrain training

Typical Daily Schedule

07:30 Health and Rejuvenation Class

10:00: Training Starts 

12.30: Lunch

14:00: Afternoon Training.

16.00: Rest.

17.30 Dinner

19.30 Evening Training.

Timings may vary on certain days. 

You can arrive earlier on the Thursday and attend two extra evening classes at the Academy. 

On Saturday morning there is a family class that is high energy and also available for you to attend.

A full day of training may seem like a lot. However, the unique methodology of Systema training will leave you feeling relaxed, whole and invigorated. 

Stresses and strains will fall away leaving you with greater levels of physical and emotional health and well-being.

Location, Food & Accomodation


The intensive is located at the Systema Academy in Devizes, Wiltshire surrounded by stunning natural countryside.

There is plenty of parking and a short 20 minute walk to the local town of Devizes.

Devizes has an abundance of shops, restaurants, hotels, inns and B&B's.


As well as local accommodation options there is the option to stay at the Academy. 

You will need to bring your own food but there are cooking facilities.

The accommodation is basic but heated with toilet, shower and basic cooking facilities. Sleeping bags and mats are provided or you can bring your own.  

There are also camping options for the more hardy, or you can bring a camper van.

Cost & Payment Options:

  • Total Cost: £240
  • Early full payment discount: £240 - £210
  • ​Card or Paypal Payment options available.

Pay by card

Pay by Paypal

Cancellation Policy
As soon as the payment has been received, the registration is considered valid and binding. 
You can cancel up to 6 weeks before the date of the seminar. 
Participants who are absent from the seminar after this date forfeit the entire amount of payment. There is no right to a refund of the seminar cost in this instance, but another person can take your place.
Recording Policy
All or parts of the seminar will be recorded and may be used in future for promotional or sales purposes. 


Q: Will I be fit enough?

A: Again don't worry. Everything can be done at your pace and is designed to be accessible for all participants.

Q: What if there are things that I don't want to or cant do?

A: You don't have to do everything. You are very welcome to sit and watch some activities or rest. Participation in each session is optional.

Q: Do I have to be into Martial Arts to do it? I just want to feel calmer, more energised and move with more ease and freedom.

A: No not at all! All activities on the seminar are optional and the Systema approach is different to many Martial Arts. It begins with the checking and improving the health and function of the mind, body and psyche and then progressively moving to martial applications. 

Q: What if I have to leave early late?

A: No problem, just let me know beforehand. 

Q: What are the arrival and leaving times?

A: Arrival 11am on day 1 and you will be finished by 4pm on the final day. 

But don't just take my word for it...

Here's what previous attendees have had to say:

Good morning Matt,

I waited until this morning before writing because I wanted some time to digest all that had taken place over the weekend.

I went to the gym this morning and, as I came out of the shower, one of the guys said "what the (insert expletive) happened to your back?". To be honest I'd forgotten all about it but I just laughed and said "you really don't want to know". That's what sort of a weekend it was - every bruise is attached to a memory that brings a smile straight to my face.

I don't know if they were still running Exercise Snow Queen when you served, but if they did you will probably know what I mean when I say that this weekend reminded me very much of those exercises: day after day of hard work (and great fun) skiing with your mates, followed by evenings sitting and drinking, swapping stories and laughing with Officers, NCO's and O/R's alike. This weekend brought those days back to me - hard work, lots of fun and some amazing memories.

So, I'm extremely grateful to you, Matt, not just for the obvious effort you put into making these weekends possible. Not even for the memories you've given me, or the patience and understanding you showed when things became too much and I revealed aspects of my character that I would rather keep hidden. But for the way you've created an atmosphere at your school that can make such a diverse group of people work together, support each other and even trust each other like very few people in civvy street will ever come to know. Whilst working with you during the last few days, you reminded me of all the best officers I ever served with. And I thank you for that.

As I get back into the rhythm of things here at work, walking around the factory, I carry with me the knowledge that the trust and camaraderie that I thought I'd never see again is alive and kicking (literally) down in Wiltshire, and probably in all the other Systema clubs dotted around the world. I also know that my journey in Systema is only just beginning.

I'm sure we will be seeing much more of each other over the coming years. Thanks again Matt,


Recording Policy
All or parts of the seminar will be recorded and may be used in future for promotional or sales purposes. 
The University of Systema

If you are local to Melkham, Wiltshire, then you are extremely lucky to live in the hometown of Matt Hill’s Systema Academy, the most prominent Systema club in England in my opinion. However, if you live a hundred miles away, like me, or even further, you can still be a part of this vibrant Systema community.
I have just got back from my third 4-day event with Matt. It was clearly well-attended by a wide range of people ranging from complete beginners to very experienced Systema practitioners. The topics we covered in four days were very varied, ranging from joint mobility and stress release techniques to knife fighting in urban environment. Not a single boring moment in four days! In fact, the time flew by so fast, I wish I could stay and train for longer.
What I appreciate about Matt’s seminars the most is being able to explain complex topics in plain English and to design a series of training drills that facilitate a steady progress in his students. To put it straight, there is a large number of Systema instructors out there, but very few of them are great teachers like Matt.
The seminar was also so affordable that even people on a fairly tight budget, like me, could come and enjoy it. The added value was in staying overnight with a bunch of fellow students at Matt’s dojo / gym. Many interesting conversations, comradery and even occasional impromptu Systema play at 10pm are just some of the things that I will remember dearly.
As we don’t have a local Systema club in Brighton (but my friend and I started a training group earlier this year!), I now have 6 months to practice what I learnt from Matt until his next seminar comes along. Consequently, I consider Matt’s Systema Academy as an analogue of The Open University for Systema. It will be a few years till I graduate!

Dr Sasha Mitrofanov, 
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Matt on an incredible seminar.
This was more than "techniques & new ways to batter an opponent" !!
Here in Melksham, over the last 4 days, we have been introduced to breathe and move in the natural way that was our birthright. Progressively learning to utilise our breathing and movement simultaneously
Something that as we get older, most of us ( myself more than most!) lose and unconsciously develop stress in many parts of our bodies.
I met and trained with great people who had many ranges of ability and attitude and watched them over 4 days progress, evolve and develop literally beyond belief
Matt is a leader of the quiet, encouraging and durable kind, he gives instruction and advice in a way that encourages you to get it right. I am fortunate enough to have trained with some top martial artists and can recognise someone who is exceptional at what they do. Matt certainly is that with the added criteria that he teaches about ' life & living' - surely the most important principle to take from any seminar
I have spent a lot of time in my life looking for and trying to learn"breathing skills"....... well look no further, I will advise you to avoid the latest fad - health & breathing are here with Matt Hill !
Be warned .... you are going on a journey that will last for the rest of your life, you will enjoyably learn to breath naturally, move easier , develop the skill to allow stress to fall from your body and even enjoy going for a walk!! You will be different......!

Tim Etherington

Time to relax, absorb and assimilate the information.

You will get a lot of information during the course of the week. You need time to process and absorb it. It is also hugely beneficial to have the time to just sit and reflect, taking the time out for yourself.   

A deep reset for the Mind, Body and Spirit...
Deep Reset for the Body Mind and Spirit

Spending time in nature will help you relax and reset. There is something elemental in sitting around a camp fire in the evening with friends. It is a timeless way to share the training, experience and let the day sink in.

Spaces are limited to 25 - Secure your spot now!

Pay by card

Pay by Paypal

Cancellation Policy
As soon as the payment has been received, the registration is considered valid and binding. 
You can cancel up to 6 weeks before the date of the seminar. 
Participants who are absent from the seminar after this date forfeit the entire amount of payment. There is no right to a refund of the seminar cost in this instance, but another person can take your place.
Recording Policy
All or parts of the seminar will be recorded and may be used in future for promotional or sales purposes. 
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