Countdown to the Seminar

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Video Preview of the topic:

Below is a short video preview of the topic from Vladimir at his School in Toronto:

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Vladimir is returning to London for a 2 day seminar:

28-29 September 2024.

Training topic: 'A Movement Masterclass'


"I move better now than I did 20 years ago, not because I am fitter or more flexible, but because I have studied and understand movement." - Vladimir Vasiliev.

About the topic: Movement Masterclass:

Two key things that define life are breath and movement. In this seminar, Vladimir will share his understanding of movement.

Most often we get in our own way and lock or block our own potential for healthy, smooth, vital and powerful movement for martial arts and for life.

The Systema approach is unique. It focuses on the four key principles of breathing, relaxation, posture and Movement in order to bring strength, calm, relaxation, power and health to the practitioner. 

In this 2 day seminar Vladimir will share:

  • Drills and progressions to unlock healthier, smoother and more natural movement within you.
  • ​How this can be applied to martial arts.
  • How to integrate this into daily living for a longer life filled with vitality, health and positivity.

About Vladimir:

Born in Russia, Vladimir Vasiliev received intensive combat training and in-depth Systema training from Mikhail Ryabko. Vladimir moved to Canada and founded the first Systema school outside Russia in 1993. Since then, he has personally trained and certified over 600 qualified Systema instructors and schools in more than 40 countries around the world, and produced an award-winning instructional film collection. 

Event Timings:

Day 1: Saturday Sept 28th: 11am – 5pm (Registration from 09.30)
Day 2: Sunday Sept 29th: 10am – 4pm (Registration from 09.00)

What to bring: 

Indoor training shoes, training knife, training clothes, snacks for lunch (there are also shops on site) Warm kit for breaks.

About the location: 

Directions and Travel: 

The seminar will be held at Brunel University Sports Campus London.

It is a stones throw from London Heathrow Airport and a short distance to the cultural capital of central London, the location is perfectly located to make travel easy and accessible.

Food and Drink: 

There are plenty of shops at the venue for lunchtime snacks and refreshments.
Alternatively you are welcome to bring your own. 

Systema Shop: 

There will be a shop at the seminar where you can buy a variety of merchandise from Systema whips to clothes! 

If you would like Vladimir to bring particular Systema items for you, please send your list ahead of time.

Instructor Evaluations:

Instructor renewals and evaluations will be available at the seminar. 

Costs and Payment:

REGISTRATION only through payment and registration. (without payment the registration is incomplete)

Early Bird price
Entire seminar £195 if paid before June 30
1 Day (Sat or Sun) £120 if paid before June 30

Normal price
Entire seminar £225 if paid before June 30
1 Day (Sat or Sun) £130 if paid before June 30

Late price
Entire seminar £260 if paid before Sept 25
1 Day (Sat or Sun) £140 if paid before Sept 25

Door price
Entire seminar £280 (cash at the door)
1 Day (Sat or Sun) £150 (cash at the door)


REGISTRATION only through payment and registration. (without payment the registration is incomplete)

Payment can be made through Bank Transfer using the details below:

- Account: Wiltshire Martial Arts
- Sort Code: 20-05-06
- Account Number: 10699853
- Iban: GB51BARC20050610699853
- Swift: BARCGB22.

As reference please use the following in description: 'V. Vasiliev – London 2024' and your first and last name.

Bank and Paypal costs are not to be charged to Wiltshire Martial Arts. The full seminar fee is due.

Please confirm with an email to

After the 27th Sept 2022 BACS payments wont be accepted but you can pay cash on the door. 

However, you MUST confirm by email before hand: Contact: to confirm.

Or purchase tickets now via debit


There are a large number of hotels near the venue. 
You can click this link to see the google page of hotels.
Or you can just search Brunel University London in or airbnb.

Filming and Photography:

Photography and posting on social media is permitted. 
Video is not. 

Seminar release and waiver:

This is mandatory for all participants. Please download from the link below, print and bring with you on the day.

Payment Options:

Pay by card

Pay by Paypal

Cancellation Policy
As soon as the payment has been received, the registration is considered valid and binding. An already received registration/payment can be cancelled in writing until August 01st 2024 (processing fee: £50). Cancellations after August 01st 2024, as well as participants who are absent from the seminar, forfeit the entire amount of payment. There is no right to a refund of the seminar cost after this date, but another person can take your place.


Q: Will I be fit enough?

A: Don't worry. Everything can be done at your pace and is designed to be accessible for all participants.

Q: What if there are things that I don't want to or cant do?

A: You don't have to do everything. You are very welcome to sit and watch some activities or rest. Participation in each session is optional.

Q: I have never done Systema, will that be a problem?

A: No not at all! The principle based approach of Systema means that what you learn can be applied to any martial art or sporting endeavour. 


The Russian Martial Art is regarded as one of the most effective fighting systems on the planet, and its popularity is largely due to the efforts of Vladimir Vasiliev ... Read More

Robert Young, Editor of Black Belt Magazine
As indispensable as Systema is for martial art and combat, I find it most helpful in my daily life and medical work.

Vladimir teaches how to identify fears and tensions within a person and how to deal with them using simple but very profound techniques. This is very beneficial to myself but also I see these changes in my patients.
I observe during follow-up visits that patients are applying these breathing skills subconsciously. 

In my opinion, this is the best testament that methods taught and explained do work and that people's health improves. 
I can not account how many times I heard: "I've been seeing all those specialists and nobody told me about Systema breathwork. I did what you suggested and it actually worked! I feel so much better I didn't have to do more tests or take more medications!"

Thank you for all the great teachings over the years that have helped so many people!

Yuri Talalaev, MD
FAWM (Fellow of academy of Wilderness Medicine), Internal medicine.
Awarded Best Doctor in Southern Arizona in 2016.
The techniques are simple and deadly, practical and effective, based on a few unique and powerful principles

American Survival Guide.
As an experienced martial artist, The System has provided me with a greater knowledge of body mechanics not used in other styles. The System's use of natural body movements allows me to incorporate and train officers to better equip themselves against a combative prisoner.

Robert Rutledge
Certified Police Instructor
St. Matthews Police Dept., Kentucky
There is a capacity limit for the event!

Pay by card

Pay by Paypal

Cancellation Policy
As soon as the payment has been received, the registration is considered valid and binding. An already received registration/payment can be cancelled in writing until August 01st 2024 (processing fee: £50). Cancellations after August 01st 2024, as well as participants who are absent from the seminar, forfeit the entire amount of payment. There is no right to a refund of the seminar cost after this date, but another person can take your place. | 2024 | All Rights Reserved